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VAS Community Programme 2023-2024 term and conditions


  • Students of grades 1 to 12 of Vietnam Australia International School.
  • Group registration, 2 to 10 members of each group.
  • Students can be grouped across levels on the same campus.


Any groups that participate in the “VAS Community Programme 2023-2024” will create a plan for their community-related project in Vietnam. The impressive and feasible projects will be funded and supported by the Organizer during the school year 2023 - 2024.

Series A (25.09.2023 – 11.02.2024)

25.09.2023 – 18.10.2023

• Groups prepare short presentations for the project.

• Each campus evaluates and selects up to 03 best and most feasible projects to represent the campus to present at Series A.

• The person in charge at the campus submits presentation files at the LINK FORM Series A Submission (using VAS email).


Series A presentation date.

• Selected groups present their projects, each group has a maximum of 10 minutes for presentation and 05 minutes for Q&A with the Council.

• The Council approves the first round of capital funding for suitable projects, up to 50% of the project's capital needs.

21.10.2023 – 11.02.2024

Funded groups deploy operations according to the capital raising plan presented and approved in Series A.

Series B (19.02.2024 – 30.04.2024)

19.02.2024 – 27.02.2024

• Funded teams complete a progress report on implemented activities and a plan for using the remaining funding.

• Teams that were not funded at Series A can continue to submit revised projects at Series B.

• The person in charge at the campus submits presentation files at
LINK FORM Series B Submission (using VAS email).


Series B presentation date, final announcement, and awards.

• Groups report progress or present adjusted project plans, each group has a maximum of 10 minutes for presentation and 05 minutes for Q&A with the Council.

• The Council approves the second round of funding for projects that have been approved for the first time.

• The Council approves funding for suitable projects that have not been funded in Series A (if any).

• The Council evaluates and selects First - Second - Third - Consolation Prizes.

02.03 – 30.04.2024

Project groups report and evaluate the project after implementation. The organizers review the results and discuss plans to maintain and develop the project for the next time.



1. Assigned areas for Community Projects:

  • Activities to support developing knowledge/ education/ attitude, awareness, and behavior.
  • Activities to protect the environment.
  • Activities for sustainable development goals.
  • Projects for arts/ creativity for the community.
  • Charity for children/ the elderly/ the handicapped…

2. Projects to be considered for funding:

  • Further development of SY 2022 - 2023 community projects: Finalists of the VAS Community Programme 2022 – 2023 can continue to apply, under the conditions that the project has been implemented and continues this school year.
  • New projects: Student groups develop new community projects and apply for funding. The new projects must be in line with the areas assigned above.

3. Submission form & regulations:

  • Groups submit projects online in the form announced in section II.
  • Language: Vietnamese or English.
  • A valid project contains the following mandatory contents:
    • Campus and Level
    • Project name
    • Project leader
    • Members’ names and classes
    • Objectives of the project
    • Target audiences
    • Detail proposal & Communication Plan
    • Budget projection
    • Fundraising plan

4. Other regulations:

  • Each group registers for 01 project.
  • Each student can join only 1 group.
  • The projects must be originally proposed and developed by student groups without any copying from available projects.
  • Participating groups are responsible for all information proposed in the project.
  • Supporters
    • oCampus Academic Assistants support the communication between student groups and the Organizer.
    • Each campus shall assign teachers/ staff to support students in implementing projects and collaborate with the Organizer.


  • The total budget for funding is up to 100 million VND (including VAT).
  • The Organizer and Council will give 05 consolation prizes to those teams who have participated in the Final Round with good ideas and contributions, with a prize of 3 million VND (including VAT)/prize.


  • Project feasibility and relevance: Feasibility of the project in terms of its practicality and relevance to the community.
  • Influence on the community: The level of the project’s impact on and responses from the young people and the community.
  • Sustainable development: Projects with the potential to last long and bring sustainable benefits to the community will be more likely to be chosen.
  • Creative methods of message delivery: The delivery of the message of the project to the community can be in the form of video clips, books, images, etc. The more creative and inspirational the delivery method is, the higher appreciation it gets.
  • High ability to raise funds (if any): This is an optional criterion. However, any group that can present a fundraising method and the ability to raise funds for their project will gain additional points for this.



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