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VAS career guidance programme – a solid foundation to bright future for VASers

Through plenty of CGP activities, CPG will assist VASers in grades 8 through 12 in achieving their individual goals at various academic stages in terms of self-exploration, the creation of a clear individual plan, and academic and cultural preparation.

Grade 8 students will be expected to complete the survey about their favourite subjects before being interpreted the survey codes, giving them very first concept about career orientation. The students will meet the career counselor one by one during their Grade 10, 11 and Grade 12 to update their plans to prepare for their career in the future.

Within the programme's activities, this September, VAS 12th graders will have a one-on-one consultation session (1 teacher and 1 student) with Mr. Quan Minh Dung - VAS Further Study and Career Counselor. Mr. Dung counseled and provided guidance to equip high school seniors with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about college majors and career paths. After this session, students will be able to schedule a meeting with him to be assisted in selecting the appropriate university/college.

On September 14th and October 27th, all VAS students from grade 10 to grade 12 have the opportunity to participate in the University Fairs. On this year's events, we welcomed the participation of 51 top universities from the UK, US, Canada, Australia, Singapore... and 3 universities in Vietnam. These fairs will provide students more information about universities and admission requirements for each group of professions, allowing them to formulate more effective study plans.

VAS school believes that our intensive education programme and the career path prepared and oriented early in lower secondary years will be a solid foundation to lead VASers to the future with lots of amazing achievements.

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