Exciting atmosphere in the first day VASers going back to school
In the joy of meeting VASers again after more than 2 months of summer, the School Managers and all the teachers of the campuses stayed ready from very early this morning to welcome the students right from the school gate.
For preschoolers, to not let them be surprised on the first day of school when they have to leave the arms of their parents, the homeroom teachers, the nannies, and the security guards all provide them a warm guidance and escort them to the class.
Health control measures are also strictly implemented. All students had to do temperature check and washed hands with sanitizers right from the school gate.
The VASers are all very excited to see their teachers and friends again and enjoy learning and playing at their second home. We hope that they will have a very successful school year, with many impressive achievements both in academics and extra-curricular activities.