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A Halloween feast in VAS

In the Kindergarten classes, the princesses were in appearance along with Spiderman and Batman of Ba Thang Hai campus and Garden Hills campus. Lots of little friends did not hide their excitement when they transformed into fairy characters that they love to participate in the Halloween fun and games.

These are the classrooms in the Halloween season at Tran Cao Van campus. It seems that every room, table and corner has been transformed into somewhere spooky and ghostly. The students of TCV campus also had a fantastic party with lots of lovely homemade cakes that students decorated themselves.

This year welcomed the first Halloween season at Garden Hill campus with many funny friends. The atmosphere created this year certainly created a spooky party full of horror and surprise for the high school students.

Look at the scary Halloween atmosphere of Hoang Van Thu campus. The wandering mummies, lively dances and the mysterious games created an unforgettable Halloween season.

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