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Training on “Hands-on” teaching method


Students learning and drilling in class using hands-on approach

"Hands-on" or "La main à la pate" (LAMAP) in French, was initiated in 1995 by Professor Georges Charpak of the French Academy of Science (Nobel Prize in Physics 1992). This is a phrased teaching method that guides students in learning by exposing them to phenomena and observing experiments with the help of their teachers to find explanations on their own, especially in the natural sciences.

This method helps promote students’ positive and independent roles, and puts them in the position of a scientist. They gradually progress by proactively raising questions, doubts, exchanges, presentations and critical perspectives. As a result, they learn more quickly, remember that knowledge longer, become more cooperative when sharing experiences in the learning process, and above all, develop their self-study and exploration skills to study other subjects more effectively.

With a standard system of teaching equipment, laboratories and advanced facilities, VAS has many advantages to apply this approach comprehensively for the students’ benefit.

Teachers discussing and enquiring about the "Hands-on" teaching approach

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